CRARC Committee May update email #Committee_update

Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club

CRARC Committee May update email #Committee_update

The CRARC committee meets on-line on the second Wednesday of the month, to discuss the running of CRARC. This email is an outline of items covered and other topics potentially of interest to CRARC members and is promulgated to keep members aware of what is going on.

On Wednesday 22nd May 2024 (Tonight!!), the CRARC monthly general meeting will be held at the club rooms, doors opening 7:30 for an 8pm kickoff with we anticipate an update on the clubs’ repeaters (both current and planned) and a general catchup session.

Club membership is running well, remaining at 205 financial members. Please note that as per the vote at the recent AGM, membership subs have increased to $40 per year from 1 May 2024. As always, if you have any membership queries, contact Graham on

CRARC maintains a number of Beacons and Repeaters.

Repeater Status Comment
Isaacs 2m Analogue Non-operational Long term U/S due QRM from adjacent site
Isaacs 2m D-star Operational Ongoing packet loss issues due link issues
Isaacs 2m beacon Operational  
Isaacs 70cm Analogue Operational Includes IRLP and Echolink
Isaacs 70cm DMR Operational  
Bulls Head 2m Analogue Operational  
Ginini 2m Analogue Operational  
Ginini 2m APRS Operational  
Ginini 70cm Analogue Operational  
Ginini 23cm Beacon Operational Antenna pointing the right way up now


A short visit to Bulls Head was made earlier this month to install a temporary 2m repeater and bring the existing one to be worked on due to power output issues (yet again). Sporadic QRM has been observed impacting the temporary repeater but we anticipate this will not continue once the original one goes back up there. However we anticipate that a CTCSS access tone will be put on it to reduce the likelihood of this continuing to occur. Repeaters appear to be running correctly at all other sites, but if you notice any issues with repeater performance, please advise the committee by email.

On the education front, another Foundation course has been conducted this weekend just gone with 6 of the 7 attendees who undertook the assessment passing. The next Foundation course is scheduled July 20/21 and is presently open for registration via Eventbrite. Note that the education team may also conduct upgrade assessments on the Saturday of the course (pending assessor availability and sufficient lead time to order exams) in addition to out of sessions examinations by arrangement with the education team.

For WICEN, we are entering the winter doldrums with nothing on the books for the local area until Spring time and only a couple of rally’s down the coast that we have a small number of rally addicts who venture down to assist the organisers. If you are interested in participating in these events, please contact Phil VK1PL for further information.


Matt VK1MA

For the CRARC Committee